Kitchen Design Ideas – Chic In Chestnut Hill

Kitchen Design Ideas are in plentiful supply. Evan a casual look around the internet, social media and design sites will provide more kitchen design ideas than any cook or home-owner could possibly absorb. That is why the team at Performance Kitchens & Home exists. We are here to help our clients create their dream kitchens and to help them understand that a thoughtful kitchen remodel can make a kitchen not only functional but also enjoyable, whether you're cooking dinner for the family or hosting a party for the holidays or other special occasion.

Before you take the step of a major kitchen remodel, imagine what your dream kitchen looks like and then come to the Performance Kitchen Showroom in Manayunk, PA so that the Performance Team can give you some inspiring kitchen design ideas.

Kitchen design ideas should be more than kitchen cabinets, countertops, appliances and flooring. Lighting can make a big difference in the kitchen, whether it's bright lighting to help with cooking or softer lighting for cozy nights at home. For the best effect, install lighting on multiple levels, such as under-cabinet lights, pendants, and recessed lights in the ceiling. Additionally, a kitchen needs plenty of electrical outlets, particularly along the backsplash.

Kitchen flooring is another important consideration when contemplating your kitchen design ideas. The flooring not only needs to hold up under a significant amount of foot traffic for years to come, it also needs to be easy on your joints when you're standing over that risotto for a significant amount of time. It also needs to look good in your kitchen so time spent on considering your floor material is time well spent.

This chic kitchen in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania benefits from a good deal of natural light during the day but we incorporated additional lighting to make the nights special. This was especially true for this household since the like to entertain so much.

The pictures tell the story!


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